Whether you just bought a new PC or reinstalled Windows, the first thing you’ll do is install the app. Although there are amazing Windows programs, we are offering you many free Windows applications on our website. You can download it from here.

We have a list for you.

  • Juice

Jus easily subscribes to podcasts, organizes them, and listens to them at their convenience. With Pod Nova, I find it easier to use Juice to manage podcasts than iTunes.

  • Audacity

If you are interested in recording your podcast irregularities and microphones, you’re welcome to work. Everyone needs me. I am not into podcasting much, but I use Odyssey for other audio recording purposes.

  • RSSOwl

RSSOwl is one of the many open-source RSS feeds. In other words, it enables you to use one program to track the content of many different blogs. If you read a lot of blogs, it is a waste of hours to jump from one site to another without tracking them all.

  • Filezilla

Many people sometimes need FTP files on other computers. If you ever need to transfer files this way, Filezilla will work easily and quickly.

  • Keynote

If you ever meet with your laptop at a meeting or a presentation and want to organize them a bit by writing notes, there is a program for you.

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